Live Time, Attendance and Activity Tracking Manager (TATMgr)
                    (Professional Software Solutions)

Below is a list of all the updates to the "Trading Performance Analyzer".
If you have any earlier version just download the full package and reinstall.


2.2a >Added ODBC Database connectivity 
  (like MS SQL Server, ORACLE etc)
>Added bold font for the active branch
>Added flashing frame for the active branch
2.1e >Added Tooltips showing revent Events for selected Item
>Added Rate with charge logic and Summary
2.1d >Added Parent click block
2.1c >Added color change
2.1b >Added printer/preview support
2.1a >Added Sample data creation function
2.0a >Added System Preference function
1.5a >Added User name column, from Windows Login name
1.4a >Added Microsoft Access database support
1.3a >Added History View
1.2d >Added Font Selection
1.2c >Added Color Selection
1.2b >Added insert of new level
1.2a >Added insert above./below
1.1c >Added accumulative time counting 
1.1b >Added CSV export of time tracking Analysis
1.1a Initial Version

"Trading Performance Analyzer" Main Page

© Copyright 1998-2005, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Table,Column,Field,Record,Index,Query,External Data,Save As,merge,synchronize,explorer,
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