Live Time, Attendance and Activity Tracking Manager (TATMgr)
                    (Professional Software Solutions)

1 to 4 licenses/machines $32.95
5 to 9 licenses/machines $29.95 (10% discount)
10 or more licenses/machines $26.95 (20% discount)
no Shipping & Handling!
(delivery only via download)

Please note that there are no refunds since you can test the product BEFORE you buy it!
Before you submit your order obtain your PERSONAL CODE:
1. Download and install Time Tracking Manager then start the License Manager
   (Start/Programs/Trading Performance Analyzer/License Manager)
2. Enter your complete email address
3. Now your PERSONAL CODE has been automatically copied to the Clipboard
4. Retrieve your PERSONAL CODE with Ctrl+V and submit with your order

"Time Tracker Manager" Main Page

 Payment with PayPalŪ Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
1 to 4 Time Tracker Manager licenses - $32.95 each  
Your Personal Code
5 to 10 Time Tracker Manager licenses - $29.95 each  
Your Personal Code
10 or more Time Tracker Manager licenses - $26.95 each  
Your Personal Code

FAX Purchase Orders (only from US+Canada Companies) to:
30 day payments terms
(include your personal code - see above)

(C) Copyright 1998-2005, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


Table,Column,Field,Record,Index,Query,External Data,Save As,merge,synchronize,explorer,
command,line,batch scipts, shareware