UNIX® utilities in UnixDos
Basic UNIX®
Here is the list of the basic or core UNIX® utilities contained in
- banner (Print text in big letters horizontally)
- basename (Extract the filename+extension)
- cal (Display calendar (month or entire year))
- cat (Concatenate several files)
- cc (UnixDos C Compiler front end)
- (u)cd (Change to specified directory and drive!)
- chmod (Change file mode/attribute)
- cmp (Compare two files byte by byte)
- comm (Display common/uncommon lines of two files)
- cp (Copy file(s) to new directory/file)
- cpio (Copy/restore files to/from archive or move to new directory)
- cut (Extract columns/fields from a text file)
- (u)date (Display/set the current date and time)
- dirname (Extract the directory name)
- dd (Convert file (ASCII/EBCDIC/upper/lower-case/swap bytes))
- df (Display free space on disk(s))
- diff (Compare two text files line by line)
- du (Display directories with occupied space)
- (u)echo (Display text, arguments or environment variables)
- egrep (Search text file(s) for one or several pattern (search
- env (Display/set environment (and run program with new environment))
- expr (Calculate the specified expression)
- fgrep (Search text file(s) for one or several pattern (straight
- file (Display file type)
- (u)find (Find files based on name/size/time/type/filemode)
- grep (Search text file for single pattern expression)
- head (Display beginning of text file)
- (u)join (Join two sorted text files based on common field)
- kill (Terminate/Kill processes)
- line (Read one line from the keyboard)
- ls (List files (and sort by name/size/time/type))
- m4 (Advanced macro processor for text files with own language)
- mkdir (Create new directory(ies))
- mv (Move file(s) to new directory/file)
- mvdir (Rename directory)
- nl (Display line number and text file)
- od (Display any file contents as octal, decimal, hex or char values)
- paste (Join several text files)
- pr (Print a text file)
- ps (Show current processes)
- pwd (Display current drive and directory)
- rm (Remove file(s)/directory(ies))
- script, is not part of UnixDos, download Freeware version at your own
from Tim Kannel at: http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/11141.shtml
- sed (Extract specified lines and/or insert/substitute text)
- sleep (Wait for specified number of seconds)
- (u)sort (Sort file based on fields, columns or entire line)
- split (Split a file into separate file chunks containing specified
number of lines)
- sum (Display the checksum of file)
- tail (Display the end of a text file)
- tee (Display contents of a pipe and store also into file(s))
- test (Test any condition (numeric/text/file related))
- (u)time (Run a program and display elapsed time)
- touch (Change file time)
- tr (Translate a set of characters)
- uniq (Find unique lines/fields in sorted text file)
- wc (Count lines/words/characters in file)
Here is the list of the additional Berkeley UNIX® utilities
contained in UnixDos:
- bbanner (Print text in very big letters horizontally vertically)
- clear (Clear the screen)
- (u)more (Display text file one screen at a time and allow browsing)
- setenv (Set environment variable(s) (in C-Shell: csh))
- strings (Display the text sections of any file (usually binary))
- uptime (Display elapsed time since last reboot)
- uuencode (Convert binary file to ASCII codes for transmission)
- uudecode (Convert ASCII file (from uuencode) back to binary)
- which (Find programs by name)
Here is the list of the additional UnixDos utilities which are NOT
part of UNIX® but anyway can be very handy:
- add (Add Numbers)
- af (Analyze file)
- b64 (Decode Base64 Internet encoded files)
- bed (Binary stream editor)
- bell (Ring bell)
- bgrep (Search pattern in binary file)
- bvi (Binary file Viewer)
- cc1 (UnixDos C compiler pre processor)
- cc3 (UnixDos C compiler post processor)
- conv (Convert numbers to/from any base)
- cf (High speed file compare of two binary files byte by byte)
- cmpdir (Compare all files in two directories by time/size/contents)
- dio (Direct disc input/output)
- dos2unix (Convert DOS text files to UNIX)
- drvname (Extract the only drive letter in a path name)
- extname (Extract the file extension)
- filename (Extract the filename without extension)
- getlines (Get range of lines from a file)
- getrng (Filter out lines based on a numeric value or range)
- inpbox (Display message and prompt for input)
- io (Extract specified area within a file and write to another file
(at specified offset))
- mak2mk (Convert Visual C Makefile to UnixDos makefile)
- mf (Show free memory)
- msgbox (Display message box)
- saveexit (Save last errorlevel value)
- show_exp (Show UnixDos argument expansion)
- slash (Convert filenames to/from UNIX/DOS style)
- stderr (Redirect output from STDERR to STDOUT)
- txtbox (Advanced interactive text viewer)
- unix2dos (Convert UNIX text files to DOS)
- wait_end (Wait for process completion)