Backtesting Automation Sequence Manager (BTSeqMgr) - Turbo Speedup
                    (Professional Software Solutions)

BTSeqMgr configuration settings were designed to work with any computer, so we had to choose the safest and slowest parameters.
The BTSeqMgr configuration settings below bring the time per symbol/timeframe down to around 50 Seconds:

Set the "SaveOPT" only to "NO" if you also run the BTWFMgr data collection - otherwise you will not have the backtest data available!

Watch this Turbo Demo Video: BTSeq_Turbo.wmv   

Below is a list of configuration parameter which affect the speed of each backtest run.
You can reduce any/all of these parameters to achieve a faster but still save backtesting performance:

Name Suggested Min Max Default Description
ChartWaitForLoad 1 0 unlimited 5 Wait period to re-check if the optimization has completed and saving opt results (Seconds)
ChartLoadConfirm 1 0 unlimited 3 Number of confirmations that a chart has loaded completely before the Strategy Parameters are applied
WaitStartOpt 1 0 unlimited 10 One time wait to wait for optimization to start (Seconds)
WaitForOpt 1 0 unlimited 5 Wait period to re-check if the optimization has completed (Seconds)
OptConfirms 1 0 unlimited 2 Number of confirmations to make sure the optimization has ended
CloseWait 4 1 unlimited 20 Waiting period for closing Format Window Box

After the optimization has completed BTSeqMgr gives you the option to save various backtesting results data.
The configuration parameter "SaveOptMode" defines which data is to be saved:

SaveOptMode Description
0 0=Save All: Performance(MHT + XLS) + Optimization(CSV)
1 Performance File (MHT) only - needed for summary
2 Performance Excel File (XLS) only
3 Optimization Report (CSV) only
4 Disable all saving (fastest)
5 Performance Excel File (XLS) and CSV
6 Disable all Saving = faster to use SaveOPT=NO

Below is a list of additional configuration parameters (edit directly the BTSeqMgr.ini config file) which affect the speed of each backtest run.
You can reduce any/all of these parameters to achieve a faster but still save backtesting performance:

Name Suggested Min Max Default Description
WaitResultsSave 5 1 unlimited 5 Wait period after Optimization Results are saved
FmtCmdWait 500 200 unlimited 500 Wait period (milliSec) after Work Space Open Command
WaitStratInput 1 1 unlimited 1 Wait period to open Input Parameter box
FmtNextWait 1000 200 unlimited 1000 Wait period (milliSec) after Symbol Entry in Format Chart
FmtOKWait 500 200 unlimited 500 Wait period (milliSec) after Format Chart OK press
FmtWaitLoadWaitSec 1800 500 unlimited 1800 Wait period (milliSec) after Chart Color Check
WaitForWSOpen 2 1 unlimited 2 Waiting period for open new WorkSpace Window Box
FmtNextSymWait 2000 1000 unlimited 2000 Wait period (milliSec) before starting next Symbol/Time Sequence