Portfolio: MadhurCore

Portfolio: MadhurCore

Symbol Quantity AveragePrice Cost$ LastPrice Value$ Value% PL$ PL% Category
TOTAL $111,280.05 $232,572.14 100 $121,292.09 109.00%
BTC 0.213220 25931.00 $5,529.01 64144.59 $13,676.91 5.9% $8,147.90 147.37% Reg:Ledger
BTC 0.403223 21805.00 $8,792.28 64144.59 $25,864.57 11.1% $17,072.30 194.17% IRA:Tangem
ETH 1.962400 1244.000 $2,441.23 3399.300 $6,670.79 2.9% $4,229.56 173.26% Reg:Ledger:
ETH 4.017992 1515.000 $6,087.26 3399.300 $13,658.36 5.9% $7,571.10 124.38% IRA:Tangem
ADA 78126.55 0.309200 $24,156.73 0.619600 $48,407.21 20.8% $24,250.48 100.39% Reg:Ledger:
ADA 200604.1 0.320400 $64,273.55 0.619600 $124,294.30 53.4% $60,020.75 93.38% IRA:Ledger

Symbol Quantity AveragePrice Cost$ LastPrice Value$ Value% PL$ PL% Category
BTC 0.616443 23232.13 $14,321.29 64144.59 $39,541.48 17.0% $25,220.20 176.10%
ETH 5.980392 1426.074 $8,528.48 3399.300 $20,329.15 8.7% $11,800.66 138.37%
ADA 278730.7 0.317261 $88,430.28 0.619600 $172,701.51 74.3% $84,271.23 95.30%

Symbol Quantity AveragePrice Cost$ LastPrice Value$ Value% PL$ PL% Category
Reg $32,126.96 $68,754.91 29.6% $36,627.94 114.01%
IRA $79,153.09 $163,817.23 70.4% $84,664.15 106.96%

Symbol Quantity AveragePrice Cost$ LastPrice Value$ Value% PL$ PL% Category
Ledger $96,400.52 $193,049.21 83.0% $96,648.69 100.26%
Tangem $14,879.54 $39,522.93 17.0% $24,643.40 165.62%

Created 03/22/2024 08:02:44
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Chart: 6 Months (4 Hours) Sep 22, 2023 08:00 to Mar 22, 2024 08:00 (182.0 Days) (1092 Points)
Created by: Crypto Portfolio Monitor (CryptoPortMon/CPM) (Version 1.8a.8)
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