Trading Performance Analyzer (TrdPerfAna) - Live Trading Transactions Export

Tradestation allows you to easily export all your Live Trading Transactions;
follow the steps below and then analyze your live trading activity
in detail with the "
Trading Performance Analyzer".

1. Open TradeStation
2. Click on the "Trade Manager Analysis" Icon 
3. Enter the Date Range for the Year (or other Range)

(If this Header box is missing - right click ond select the "Filter" option)
4. Right click in the Header section and select "Export"
5. Enter the Filename for the new transaction data and click on SAVE:
6. Analyze the new MHT file with the "Trading Performance Analyzer":
1. Open the "Trading Performance Analyzer"
2. File/Open (or Ctrl+O)
3. Navigate the MyWork folder (were we exported the data)
    C:\Program Files\TradeStation 8.xxxx)\MyWork
4. select the newly created File (i.e. TS_Live_2005.mht)
5. Click on the OPEN button

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