Trading Performance Analyzer (TrdPerfAna) - Custom Trading Imports

Importing from Interactive Broker (IB)

You can import your trades from Interactive Broker (IB) using the YTD Flex Query(see below) -OR- directly from the TradeLog window:
● Open the Trade Log window
● Select Account and number of days to display
● Click on any row
● Click Ctrl+A (Select ALL Trades)
● Copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C) or Edit/Copy to Clipboard
● Open PerfAna and click on the IB toolbar button:
● Make sure the TradeLog columns  are in the correct order - as shown below:
Action, Quantity, Underlying, Descrpition, Price, Currency, Exch, Time, Order ref, Account, Commission:

Importing trades from Interactive Broker (IB) using the YTD Flex Query
Login to the Acocunt Management of Interactive Broker (IB) and select your Account
click on "Run" button for the "YTD" Flex Query (see below how to create your "YTD" Flex Query):
This will open a new browser window and save automatically all confirmed transactions/trades since beginning the year into a CSV file:

Open the folder were the "YTD.csv" file was downloaded and right click on the "YTD.csv" file and select "PosAna" (Trading Performance Analyzer):

This will open the "Trading Performance Analyzer" showing the completed trades in the Equity Chart and now you can analyze your trading etc!


Creating your "YTD" Flex Query
Below we show you how create a "YTD" Flex Query - allowing you to save automatically all confirmed transactions/trades with one click!
Once you have created the "YTD" Flex Query you can directly just run the query  see above!
Go to the "Flex Queries" section: 
Reports -> Trade Confirmations -> Flex Queries

Since we do not have [yet] any Flex Queries you see - click on the "Create New Flex Query" button:

Adjust the basic Flex Query settings as shown below:

Select the ALL ESSENTIAL FIELDS fields under the "Fields Available" section - as shown below:

e) Click on the "Save Query" button:

f) Now the "YTD" query is available - click on "Run" to save all confimed transactions/trades since the year beginning


Select the following fields are essential for correct processing and need to be selected in the "Fields Included" section:
Account ID
Trade Price
IB Commission
Cost Basis
Realized PL
Trade Date
Trade Time
Previous IB Flex Query forms: 

a) Click on the first field "ClientAccountID":

b) Move the grey scroll  box to the end:

c) Hold down the SHIFT button and click on the last field "AllocatedTo" to select ALL FIELDS:

d) Click on the green selection arrow to include ALL FIELDS:
moving all fields to included:


Importing from your custom CSV File (CSV)

The "Trading Performance Analyzer (TrdPerfAna)" allows you also to import any custom trading records.
Just drag the CSV import file into PerfAna and select "Replace current File" or right click in Windows Explorer and select "Open with" and select the PerfAna icon.
You can then save the loaded CSV file as a native POSA file (File/Save As)
Short Format:  (Bold=Required Columns)  Sample1.csv.
Column Content Examples Description
1 Symbol @EC,HPJ The trading symbol up to 10 characters
2 EntryDate 12/10/2004 Date of the Entry (MM/DD/YYYY or YYYYMMDD)
3 EntryTime 12:04:00 Time of the Entry (HH:MM:SS) or (HH:MM) - of omitted 00:00:00
4 Exit Date 2/10/2004 Date of the Exit (MM/DD/YYYY or YYYYMMDD)
5 ExitTime 14:14:00 Time of the Exit (HH:MM:SS) or (HH:MM) - of omitted 00:00:00
6 Volume 100,-200 Number of Shares/Contracts Positive=Long Position, Negative=Short Position
7 EntryPrice 6.349 Price bought/shorted at the Entry
8 ExitPrice 1.3210 Price sold/covered /shorted at the Exit
9 Profit/Loss 125.00 Amount of the Profit/Loss
10 Commission 5.40 optional - Fee/Commission - Amount with a decimal dot
11 Label LE optional - Trading Label - identifying trade details


Long Format: (Bold=Required Columns)
Column Content Examples Description
1 PosNbr   skipped - Position Number
2 Equity   skipped - Equity
3 Symbol @EC,HPJ The trading symbol up to 10 characters
4 EntryDate 12/10/2004 Date of the Entry (MM/DD/YYYY or YYYYMMDD)
5 EntryTime 12:04:00 Time of the Entry (HH:MM:SS) or (HH:MM) - of omitted 00:00:00
6 Exit Date 2/10/2004 Date of the Exit (MM/DD/YYYY or YYYYMMDD)
7 ExitTime 14:14:00 Time of the Exit (HH:MM:SS) or (HH:MM) - of omitted 00:00:00
8 Volume 100,-200 Number of Shares/Contracts Positive=Long Position, Negative=Short Position
9 EntryPrice 6.349 Price bought/shorted at the Entry
10 ExitPrice 1.3210 Price sold/covered /shorted at the Exit
11 Profit/Loss 125.00 Amount of the Profit/Loss
12 Commission 5.40 optional - Fee/Commission - Amount with a decimal dot
13 Label LE optional - Trading Label - identifying trade details

1,45.00,@EC,12/10/2004,12:04:00,12/10/2004,12:14:00,1,1.3210,1.3200,125.00, 5.40,LE,
(fields "Pos#,Equity," are skipped)

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