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Realtime Interactive/Intraday Charts
(RIC) - Intraday View

Here is an example of the RIC Intraday View (Microsoft MSFT 15 Minute periods between Sep 3rd 14:45 and Sep 10 12:45)
You can see the current Ticks on the right hand "Tick Window" showing the price, Volume and
Bid/Ask Skew Factor (i.e. the last tick at 99 3/16 was at Bid Price or SKew factor -100%).
You can also see the current details were the mouse is currently pointing to at the bottom line:
09/09 13:00 (Sep 9th at 13:00)
102 9/16 (Price were the mouse points to)
Vol 127.90k (Volume 127,900 shares at that interval between 9/9 13:00 and 13:14)
O=103, H=103, L=103, C=103 (Open/High/Low/Close all at 103)
EMA=103/101/100 (Exponential Moving Average at 103(20 Day), 101 (50 Day) and 100 (200 Day))
BB=105/100 (Bollinger Band Upper Range=105, Lower Range=100)