Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM) - Connecting to Interactive Broker(IB)
"View and track your position in Real-time!"
(developed by Professional Software Solutions)

We have been developing software tools for Interactive Broker (IB) for 10+ years and 
are available to develop custom software for your needs - email to: 
Our consulting services are listed in the  Interactive Broker (IB) Programming Consultant third-party Marketplace:

The "IB Bridge Module" allows you to connect the "Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM)" directly to the Interactive Broker(IB) Portfolio.
The RTVisPM Portfolio will automatically be updated as you open/modify/close positions in IB.
It can track/record automatically all your IB trades and provide a "Trade Event" spreadsheet for your accounting/analysis: Live_Evt.xls Live_Evt.csv 

With the PssStockTax module you can automatically match all buy/sells etc - from the "Trade Event" spreadsheet and create your Equity Chart etc and Position List.

Demo Video 
View the "Interactive Broker Bride" and "Real-time visual Portfolio Manager" in action (best full screen):  YouTube Download Video File:  Mpeg  MP4   

Open the "IB Bridge Module" 
Simply click on "Start Interactive Broker Bride" - using the "Start/Programs/Real-time visual Portfolio Manager" menu:
or start directly from:
(Close any current RTVisPM windows)
Open your Interactive Broker(IB) Window
Login to your Interactive Broker(IB) account.
Then perform this one-time setup below, which of cause does NOT have to be repeated on each IB Bridge use!
a) open the Configuration via Edit/Global Configuration:

b) enable "Socket Client access", leave the port at default "7496, set the Master API client ID: " 1818", add as a trusted IP connection:

c) Click on "Apply" to save these settings

"Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM)" Main Page

© Copyright 2012-2015, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Table,Column,Field,Record,Index,Query,External Data,Save As,merge,synchronize,explorer,
command,line,batch scipts, shareware