Database and XML Toolkit (DbTkXml)

The Database and XML Toolkit (DbTkXml) provides the following basic database functions:

Export data from a your database to DBF, XML, CSV, HTML or TXT format
Merge, Migrate and Synchronize entire data sets between Databases (export + import with dbload)
Smart data import into your database from DBF, XML, CSV and TXT with DbLoad
if record is found - update non key fields, if new add new record - avoiding duplicate data
Automate repetitive database tasks (using DbScript or batch command line utilities)
All functions conveniently available in the interactive Database Explorer
Create your own database tools with the DbTkXml function interface
Publish your database tables with Db2Html
Analyze your data (database data or external DBF, XML, CSV, HTML or TXT files) with DbAna
Create a new Database from DBF, XML, CSV or TXT data (or DbAna analysis result)
Execute SQL scripts calculating, extracting or manipulating data (DbSql)
Convert FoxPro/DBF databases to compatible format (DbfConv.exe)

The Database and XML Toolkit is designed for high performance!
See customer responses to the "Database and XML Toolkit(DbTkXml)" below...
All tools also contain an fast open mode - when you cache the Database Schema - click here for details

The Database and XML Toolkit works with most databases:

Try the Database and XML Tookit for free in Demo mode for 15 days,
then place your online order to continue using DbTkXml without the demo limitation. 

We recommend that you visit the DbTkXml Tutorial and DbTkXml Reference

The DbTkXml Toolkit provides the command line utilities:
Db2Xml Extract data (export) from one or all tables into XML format 
Db2Dbf Extract data (export) from one or all tables into DBF format
Db2Csv Extract data (export) from one or all tables into CSV format
Db2Html Publish/Extract data (export) from one or all tables into HTML format
Db2Txt Extract data (export) from one or all tables into TXT format 
Xml2Db Analyze and create a new Database(MDB or DBF)  from XML data
Dbf2Db Analyze and create a new Database(MDB or DBF)  from DBF data
Csv2Db Analyze and create a new Database(MDB or DBF)  from CSV data
Txt2Db Analyze and create a new Database(MDB or DBF)  from TXT data
DbLoad Update or add data (import) to a table from XML format
DbLoad Update or add data (import) to a table from DBF format
DbLoad Update or add data (import) to a table from CSV format
DbLoad Update or add data (import) to a table from TXT format
DbQuery Run a stored query and export data to TXT format
DbSql Run or Execute an ad-hoc SQL procedure and export data to TXT format
and add as a new query to the database
DbExplorer View data and detailed information of your database
DbExplorer Perform any of the functions above interactively
DbScript Run a Database command script or
execute database commands interactively
DbAna Analyze DBF, CSV, TXT or XML data for data type and length
and ASCII character distribution
Integrate any of the functions above into your applications
via function calls to the DbXmlTools.DLL library

Sample Database Explorer screen:


Here is what Customer said about the "Database and XML Toolkit (DbTkXml)

"The combination of DBSQL (export) and SQL*Loader (import)
will do in ~2 hours what it took Microsoft's DTS packages at least 60 hours to accomplish.
The DbSQL piece completed in 9 minutes! Our team was blown away!"

- Thomas Cogdell from

"We are using the Database and XML Toolkit (specifically the dbload and dbsql tools)
in our database project, which was developed on a very tight schedule.
These tools are very flexible and easy to incorporate into automated database handling processes.
Using these tools has dramatically decreased our development time and
has resulted in a much more compact, robust, and powerful system
than would otherwise have been achievable in the time we had.
We have also found Professional Software Solutions to be extremely responsive to support inquiries,
turning around a minor bug fix request in a matter of days and allowing us to deploy our system on time."
- Asa Packer, Lead Software Engineer, a high-tech company in Washington.


How to cache the Database Schema to speed up the startup
Each tool stored its configuration in the respective INI file (i.e. DbLoad in DbLoad.ini).
To create the cached Database Schema information change to DBMakeStructCache=YES:

Then run the tool (like DbLoad) to create the cached Schema file:

Now turn the CacheDbStruct.xml creation off (DBMakeStructCache=NO) and
turn the Cache ON (DBLoadStructCache=YES):


The Database and XML Toolkit runs in the following Environments:

Table,Column,Field,Record,Index,Query,External Data,Save As,merge,synchronize,explorer,
command,line,batch scipts, shareware,PostGreSQL,MSSQL,Microsoft,SQL,SQLSErver,DBTK18181818

© Copyright 1994-2006, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.