Binary data Sort (BSort) for
Windows BSort offers the following features: |
usage: bsort -i{input} [-o{output}] [-c{cfg}] [-v]
input = data input file
output = data output file (can be same as input)
cfg = sort configuration file (defining the record structure):
NAME={n} TYPE={t} [LEN=l[.p]] [# comment]
Available types {t}
INT1/2/3/4 = signed integer of 1-4 bytes length
UINT1/2/3/4 = unsigned integer of 1-4 bytes
FLT4/8 = floating point 4/8 bytes length
STR{b} = text string of <b> bytes length
USTR{b} = case insensitive text string of
<b> bytes length
BYTES{b} = binary bytes string of <b>
bytes length
(If no cfg specified BSORT will use BSort.cfg
in the home directory)
-v = View data only based on the current CFG file (-o is ignored)
The input filename is the only required command line argument.
All other options are optional.
Col1|Col2| Col3| Col4| Col5| Col6| Col7|
REC01 | 1| 10| 2| 2| 1.01| 10.0100|
REC02 | 2| 9| -4| 2| 2.01| 9.0100|
REC03 | 3| 8| 6| 2| 3.01| 8.0100|
REC05 | 5| 6| 10| 3| 5.01| 6.0100|
REC07 | 7| 4| -3| 3| 7.01| 4.0100|
REC09 | 9| 2| -7| 1| 9.01| 2.0100|
REC10 |10| 1| 9| 1|10.01| 1.0100|
rec04 | 4| 7| -8| 2| 4.01| 7.0100|
rec06 | 6| 5| 1| 3| 6.01| 5.0100|
rec08 | 8| 3| 5| 3| 8.01| 3.0100|
Sort ascending by column1
don't distinguish between upper and lower case
Col1|Col2| Col3| Col4| Col5| Col6| Col7|
REC01 | 1| 10| 2| 2| 1.01|10.0100|
REC02 | 2| 9| -4| 2| 2.01| 9.0100|
REC03 | 3| 8| 6| 2| 3.01| 8.0100|
rec04 | 4| 7| -8| 2| 4.01| 7.0100|
REC05 | 5| 6| 10| 3| 5.01| 6.0100|
rec06 | 6| 5| 1| 3| 6.01| 5.0100|
REC07 | 7| 4| -3| 3| 7.01| 4.0100|
rec08 | 8| 3| 5| 3| 8.01| 3.0100|
REC09 | 9| 2| -7| 1| 9.01| 2.0100|
REC10 |10| 1| 9| 1|10.01| 1.0100|
Col1|Col2| Col3| Col4| Col5| Col6| Col7|
REC10 |10| 1| 9| 1|10.01| 1.0100|
REC09 | 9| 2| -7| 1| 9.01| 2.0100|
REC03 | 3| 8| 6| 2| 3.01| 8.0100|
REC01 | 1| 10| 2| 2| 1.01|10.0100|
REC02 | 2| 9| -4| 2| 2.01| 9.0100|
rec04 | 4| 7| -8| 2| 4.01| 7.0100|
REC05 | 5| 6| 10| 3| 5.01| 6.0100|
rec08 | 8| 3| 5| 3| 8.01| 3.0100|
rec06 | 6| 5| 1| 3| 6.01| 5.0100|
REC07 | 7| 4| -3| 3| 7.01| 4.0100|
BSort Configuration File (xxx.cfg)
In order to sort Bsort needs the information about the record structure to sort on.
This information in contained in the "BSORT Configuration file (xxx.cfg)".
You can have many different configuration for the same data file.
You can either specify the configuration to be used on the command line or
let BSORT use the default configuration "Bsort.cfg" in the same directory were
The CFG file is also used to communicate the details when BSORT is used to view the data.
Column Definition
Each column is defined in one line:
[NAME={name}] TYPE={t} [LEN={w[.p]] # comment
The NAME attribute is optional, but can be helpful for your orientation
The TYPE attribute defines the data type of the column.
Currently the following basic types are available:
INT1 = Signed integer of one byte length (char)
INT2 = Signed integer of two bytes length (short)
INT3 = Signed integer of three bytes length (---)
INT4 = Signed integer of four bytes length (long)
UINT1 = Unsigned integer of one byte length (BYTE/unsigned char)
UINT2 = Unsigned integer of two bytes length (WORD/unsigned short)
UINT3 = Unsigned integer of three bytes length (---)
UINT4 = Unsigned integer of four bytes length (DWORD/unsigned long)
FLT4 = floating point 4 bytes length (float)
FLT8 = floating point 8 bytes length (double)
STR{n} = text string of <n> bytes length (char [n])
USTR{n} = case insensitive text string of <n> bytes length (char [n])
ISTR{n} = text string of <n> bytes length converted to an
integer value
FSTR{n} = text string of <n> bytes length converted to a floating
point value
BYTES{n} = binary bytes string of <n> bytes length (BYTE [n])
The LEN attribute defines the display width w of numeric columns.
If LEN is not specified BSORT will use only the width needed.
The floating point data type also uses the precision p if specified.
Any text after the # comment sign is ignored
Example CFG file:
# Example5: Sort based on the following two columns
# 1. ascending column5 and
# 2. descending column4
NAME=col1 TYPE=USTR6 # Text Key
NAME=col2 TYPE=UINT2 LEN=3 # unsigned 2 byte short
NAME=col3 TYPE=UINT4 LEN=6 # unsigned 4 byte long
NAME=col4 TYPE=INT4 LEN=8 SORT2=DESC # signed 4 byte long
NAME=col5 TYPE=INT2 LEN=6 SORT1=ASC # signed 2 byte short
NAME=col6 TYPE=FLT4 LEN=10.2 # floating point 4 byte
NAME=col7 TYPE=FLT8 LEN=20.4 # floating point 8 byte
BSort Custom Data Type Interface (BSort.DLL)
In many cases your data will contain custom data which cannot be sorted
by the
13 basic data types already provided with BSORT.
For these cases we provided a custom interface were you can define any of these special
You can define and use up to 100 different custom data types per sort run.
The custom sort function is embedded in the BSort.DLL library.
You can easily create many different versions of BSort.DLL and get an unlimited
potential of custom sorts.
The following files are part of the BSort.DLL package:
CustSort.c | C Source file interface file |
BSort.DLL | Release version of the custom sort interface DLL |
BSort.lib | Release version of the custom sort interface library |
BSortD.DLL | Debug version of the custom sort interface DLL |
BSort.D.lib | Debug version of the custom sort interface library |
BSortDLL.mak | Microsoft Visual C/C++ makefile (32 bit) |
makeDLL.bat | Batch file to recreate BSort.DLL after changes to CustSort.c |
Below is the initial version of CustSort.c as a starting point for you to
We implemented as an example a sort using the absolute numeric value of signed
integers if 1/2 or 4 bytes length. Since the column length is supplied as an argument
you can use the same custom data type for all 3 different length:
#define _MAX_PATH 256
extern char szFnIn[_MAX_PATH+1]; /* sort input filename */
extern char szFnOut[_MAX_PATH+1]; /* sort output file */
extern char szFnCfg[_MAX_PATH+1]; /* sort configuration file */
extern char szHome[_MAX_PATH+1]; /* Home directory */
/* Input:
/* cTyle = Custom sort type (1 ... 100) defined in *.cfg CUST{l}/cType
/* nBy = length of this column in bytes
/* el1 = pointer to element1 in the sort array
/* el2 = pointer to element2 in the sort array
/* Output:
/* 0 = both elements are equal
/* 1 = element1 is smaller than element2
/* -1 = element1 is greater than element2
int CustSort(int cType,int nBy,unsigned char *el1,unsigned char *el2)
long nVal1, nVal2;
switch (cType)
/****** EXAMPLE OF A CUSTOM SORT (TYPE 1) ********************************/
/****** IGNORE SIGN: SORT BY ABSOLUTE VALUE ******************************/
case 1:
/****** GET THE SIGNED VALUE *****************************************/
switch (nBy)
case 1: nVal1 = *(char *)el1; nVal2 = *(char *)el2; break;
case 2: nVal1 = *(short*)el1; nVal2 = *(short*)el2; break;
case 4: nVal1 = *(long *)el1; nVal2 = *(long *)el2; break;
/****** MAKE UNSIGNED ************************************************/
if (nVal1 < 0)
nVal1 = -nVal1;
if (nVal2 < 0)
nVal2 = -nVal2;
/****** CHECK FOR EQUAL **********************************************/
if (nVal1 == nVal2)
/****** COPMARE NOT EQUAL ********************************************/
return((nVal2 > nVal1) ? -1 : 1);
/****** DEFAULT SORT JUST BY BYTE VALUES *********************************/
while(*el1 == *el2++)
if (--nBy <= 0)
return(0); /* equal */
return((*(--el2) > *el1) ? -1 : 1); /* not equal */
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